


This custom tag is used for displaying a JavaScript code for the specified event. Different JavaScript events can be defined for a page on the Page Configuration File. Each one of those which matches the ones requested by the user on the custom tag will be displayed. For example:
 <BODY bgcolor="#ffffff" topmargin="0" leftmargin="0" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0"
 <web:ifFeature name="dhtml">
 onload="Init(); <web:javascript eventName="onload"  />"
Will display all the JavaScript information, related with the onload event, defined for the current page on the Page Configuration File, as one single ONLOAD attribute value on the BODY tag being specified.

Name Required? Description
eventName false Indicates the event to search for in the list of JavaScript elements specified for the page.
There could be multiple JavaScript definitions on the page for the same event; each one of those will be displayed.
forIframeUpdate false Indicates whether the JavaScript code for the event indicated is for an IFrame update or not.
The difference on the HTML to generate if this attribute is set to True is that it won't be designed to be part of a tag attribute, but instead, as part of a SCRIPT tag content.
jsEncode false Indicates if the output to render should be encoded for Javascript or not.
The encoding that Javascript requires is different from the one done for HTML; for example, quotes need to be paid special attention. The default value if this attribute is not specified is False.
type false Sets the type attribute of javascript tag.